Info & Prices

Velvet Touch


Strandvejen 12, Ballen, 8305 Samsø, Denmark

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 10.00 - 19.00
Saturday: 10.00-16.00/sometimes
Sunday: closed


Mobile: +45 50 29 07 14
CVR: 42319228

Info & prices - info & priser - behandlinger - velvet touch

Massage 30 min. - 400 kr.

Massage 45 min. - 550 kr.

Massage 60 min. - 650 kr.

Massage 90 min. - 900 kr.

Massage 120min. - 1200 kr.

Acupuncture first visit (90 min.) - 500kr.

Acupuncture following (60min.) - 400kr.

Cupping 45 min. - 400kr.

Homemassage on Samsø - plus 75 kr.
Treatments in CPH & Århus - plus 100 kr.

*Children, students & pensionists - minus 15% - not valid for giftcards and clip cards - insert the code RABAT15 when booking online.

*Possibility to buy clip cards with 10 % discount for 3 clips and 15 % discount for 5 clips.
Clip cards are personal and are valid for 3 months with 3 clips & 6 months with 5 clips. Can be bought online or in person.

*Giftcards can be bought online or in person.

*If you are in an economically difficult place but want to have a treatment, do not hesitate to contact me. There is always a way.


* Cash, Mobilepay or bank transfer.
Possibility to book a time online and pay by card.


* In case of cancellation less than 24 hours before the start of your session, you are requested to pay the half price of the service, as we cannot be sure to get a new booking instead. In case of absence without cancellation, you are requested to pay the full price of the service.
* Please bring your own towel and sheet. In case you forget, these can be rented out for 50kr.